The Punjab government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, is set to provide financial benefits totaling Rs.60 crore to pregnant and lactating mothers for their nutrition and health during the ongoing fiscal year. The initiative, aimed at improving social security and the well-being of women and children was announced today by the Minister of Social Security, Women and Child Development Dr. Baljit Kaur.
Providing further details, the Cabinet Minister stated that the government is committed to actively supporting the nutrition and health of pregnant and lactating mothers. She highlighted that during the last fiscal year, financial assistance amounting to Rs.42 crore was disbursed to 96044 eligible women. Additionally, approximately Rs. 25.55 crore in financial assistance has been provided to 42592 women upon the birth of a second girl child.
Dr. Baljit Kaur emphasized that women aged 19 and above will receive financial support of Rs.5000 upon the birth of their first child (Rs.3000+ Rs.2000) and Rs.6000 upon the birth of a second girl child. These funds will be provided subject to fulfillment of specific conditions under the Prime Minister Matru Vandana Yojana, aimed at enhancing the health of mothers before and after childbirth. This initiative aims to address the declining sex ratio at birth and eradicate the practice of gender selection before birth.
Furthermore, the Minister highlighted that application forms for financial assistance are being filled out by Anganwadi workers at all Anganwadi centers across the state. She noted that the disbursement of financial aid is directly credited to the bank accounts/post office accounts of eligible beneficiaries linked with Aadhaar.
Dr. Kaur urged department officials to ensure the maximum outreach of the scheme and to provide increased benefits to eligible beneficiaries. She also informed that beneficiaries can register their applications online through the official portal (
She said that for further information, beneficiaries can contact their respective Anganwadi Centers/Offices, Child Development Project Officers, and District Program Officers.