BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 Out, Bihar School Teacher Download Link


BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 Out: The Education Department of Bihar has released the BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 on 10th August 2023 on the official website for 170785  Primary Teachers, Post Graduate Teachers and Trained Graduate Teacher posts. The candidates can now download their Bihar Teacher Admit Card 2023 from the official website or from the BPSC direct download link mentioned in the article. Candidates are advised to report at the examination Centre at the time mentioned on their BPSC Teacher Admit Card to avoid crowding at the venue. Scroll down the page for the Bihar Teacher Admit Card download link.

BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 Out

BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 has been released on 10th August 2023 for 170785 Primary, PGT and TGT posts. A candidate must qualify for the written exam in order to be selected for the 170785 primary teacher, PGT, and TGT posts in the BPSC Teacher Exam 2023. BPSC Teacher Exam is to be held in 2 shifts per day, the first shift to be held from 10:00 am to 12:00 am whereas the second shift from 03:30 pm to 05:30 pm. The BPSC Teacher Exam consists of 02 parts, for each part of the written exam 02 hours will be given to the applicants. The applicants are informed that the Bihar Teacher Admit card 2023 has been available in online mode on the official website of the Education Department of Bihar.

Bihar Teacher Admit Card 2023

The applicants who have successfully registered themselves for the BPSC Teacher Exam 2023 must visit the official website on regular basis. The applicants can access their BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 with the help of essential details such as their username or password provided at the time of registration. Other details regarding the Bihar Teacher Admit Card 2023 are mentioned below.

BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023
Organization  Education department of Bihar 
Post name  Primary teacher, PGT, TGT
Vacancies  170785
Category  Admit Card 
Status  Released 
BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 10th August 2023
BPSC Teacher Exam Date 2023  24th to 26th August 2023
Mode of admit card availability  Online mode 
Shift Timing
  • Shift 1- 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
  • Shift 2- 03:30 pm to 05:30 pm
Duration of Exam 02 hours
Job location  Bihar 
Official website  www.bssc.bihar.gov.in 

BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 Link

The direct link to download the Bihar Teacher Admit Card 2023 has been released on 10th August 2023 on the official website and the same has been made available here. Candidates can download their BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 by filling in the username and password. Candidates are suggested to download their Bihar Teacher Admit Card before the exam date. Candidates must carry a hard copy of their admit card to the exam hall. We have shared the direct link to download the BPSC Teacher Admit Card below for your convenience.

Steps to Download BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023

Once the Education Department Of Bihar releases the BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 the applicants can download it either from the direct link that will be mentioned in the article or by following the steps mentioned below.

Step 1- Visit the official website of the Education Department of Bihar www.bssc.bihar.gov.in

Step 2- Go to the homepage, in the home page look for the “latest updates” option. 

Step 3- Click on the link “School Teacher Admit Card 2023 (Advt. No. 26/2023)”

Step 4- Click on the link and fill in the essential details asked such as Username and password.

BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 Out, Bihar School Teacher Download Link_50.1

Step 5- After filling all the details properly click on the submit button at the bottom of the page

Step 6- BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 appears on the screen 

Step 7- Download the admit card and do not forget to take a photocopy of the admit card for further use

Details Mentioned on BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023

The applicants must go through all the details mentioned in the BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 carefully ( the photograph and signature on the admit card must be clear and recognizable, double-check the details about the exam center and the timing mentioned in the Bihar Teacher admit card 2023 to avoid confusion on the exam day).

Details Mentioned on BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023
Particular Details
Name of the Candidate The name of the candidate as mentioned on their application form
Father’s Name The father’s name of the candidate who is going to appear in BPSC Teacher Exam has been printed on the candidate’s Bihar Teacher Admit Card 2023.
Date of Birth (DOB) The candidate’s date of birth in the format dd/mm/yyyy is mentioned on BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023.
Roll Number/Registration Number The unique ID allotted to the candidate after the application process is completed and the roll number/registration number will be used for further process.
Photograph & Signature The signature and photograph of the candidate uploaded at the time of registration have been attached to the Bihar Teacher Admit card.
Bihar Teacher Exam Date The date of the examination i.e 24th to 26th August 2023.
Name of Exam Center The complete details for the exam centre including date and address where the candidate have to report on the exam day.
Exam Timing The reporting time and shift time for BPSC Teacher Exam 2023 mentioned on BPSC Teacher Admit Card.
Instructions for Exam Complete instructions including what to carry to the exam hall.

Documents required for BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023

Candidates must carry important original documents along with the hard copy of BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023. Without these documents candidates will not be allowed to take the BPSC Teacher Exam 2023. Candidates can check the all the documents listed below.

  1. Hard copy of BPSC Teacher Admit Card.
  2. Two passport-size photographs.
  3. ID Proof – ID proof issued by the Government having a photograph such as Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Voter Card, or Passport Driving License.

BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 Exam Day Related Instruction

Candidates are advised to go through the instructions printed on Admit Card carefully before going for the Examination.

  • The BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 will be issued provisionally to the candidates, subject to their satisfying the eligibility conditions.
  • The candidate has to download the Bihar Teacher Admit Card 2023 on its official website and appear for the Examination at the given Centre on Date, timing, and Examination as indicated in their BPSC Teacher Admit Card.
  • No candidate will be allowed to appear at the Examination Centre, on a Date and time other than that allotted to them in their Admit Card.

BPSC Teacher Admit Card 2023 Exam Day Prohibited Material

  1. Candidates are advised not to carry any Mobile Phones/ Earphone/Microphones/ Pager, Calculator, Document, Pen, Slide Rules, Log Tables, Camera, Tape Recorder, Electronic Watches with facilities of calculators, any metallic items, electronic gadgets/ devices in the Examination Venue.
  2. Candidates are NOT allowed to carry Instruments, Geometry or Pencil box, Handbag, Purse, any kind of Paper/ Stationery/ Textual material (printed or written material), or Eatables (loose or packed) in the Examination Hall/Room.
  3. Smoking, chewing gutka, spitting etc. in the Examination Room/Hall is strictly prohibited.
  4. Candidate of any of the above-mentioned items will be treated as an act of Unfair this means and may lead to the cancellation of his/her candidature in the Examination & may also involve barring the candidate from future Examination(s) conducted by Education department of Bihar.


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