Low Placement Rate of PMKVY in Region

Low Placement Rate of PMKVY in Region
Low Placement Rate of PMKVY in Region

Placement rate of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) falls short of expectations in the region reeling under persistent high unemployment.

Alarmingly, 47.46% jobseekers who received skill training through PMKVY were unable to find employment.

Placement rate under PMKVY low in region

In the region, Himachal Pradesh has the lowest placement rate since 2019, with Haryana and Punjab following closely in terms of underwhelming placement outcomes.Regional statistics show out of 2,18,047 trained candidates, only 1,14,561 secured employment.
In Himachal, 38,861 aspirants received training, but only 14,276 (36.74%) found suitable jobs, falling short of all-India average of 48.29%. In Haryana, 80,733 individuals were certified, with 43,009 (53.27%) placed, while Punjab trained 98,453 youngsters, with 57,276 (58.18%) securing employment, according to data tabled in Lok Sabha. Puducherry boasts highest placement rate of 93.90%, followed by Tamil Nadu (62.16%) and MP (60.58%).

Since 2015, the ministry of skill development and entrepreneurship (MSDE) has been implementing PMKVY to provide skill development training to youth across India through short-term training (STT) and recognition of prior learning (RPL) for up-skilling and re-skilling initiatives. Placement outcomes are monitored under Short-Term Training (STT) component throughout the initial three phases of the PMKVY scheme, PMKVY 1.0, PMKVY 2.0, and PMKVY 3.0, which were implemented from the financial year 2015-16 to 2021-22. However, in the current version, PMKVY 4.0, launched in the financial year 2022-23, the placement aspect has been delinked.

An analysis of unemployment data highlighted the grim situation in all three states. Between Jan and March 2024, the proportion of jobless individuals in the 15-29 age group remained alarmingly high, surpassing the national average in Himachal and Punjab. According to Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), unemployment rate among younger individuals during this period was 17.7% in Himachal, exceeding national average of 17%. Punjab’s figure was 17.4% and Haryana’s was 9.5%. For all age groups, unemployment was 9.1% in Himachal, 7.7% in Punjab, and 4.1% in Haryana, compared to the All-India average of 6.7%.


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