5 Easy Steps to Make Guilt-Free Honey Chilli Potato at Home

5 Easy Steps to Make Guilt-Free Honey Chilli Potato at Home

It is crispy, spicy and flavourful – I am talking about honey chilli potatoes! One of my fondest childhood memories is enjoying roadside street food with friends. I remember how we used to surround the vendor’s large wok as he tossed crispy potato fingers in honey, sauces, and vegetables. Our eyes glittered, and our mouths watered as he transferred the hot and spicy potatoes into disposable plates and topped them with sesame seeds. The crunchiness of the potatoes made us forget about time and homework problems, and we indulged in this dish passionately.

But as I grew up thinking about the ingredients in this popular street food, I realized that honey chilli potatoes are loaded with unnecessary calories. To indulge in this delectable dish guilt-free, I experimented and made a healthier version of honey chilli potato that did not compromise on taste at all. Are you a fan of honey chilli potato? Then fret not! Read on to learn how to make honey chilli potato healthier at home.


Bake potato sticks instead of deep frying them to make Honey Chilli Potato healthier.
Photo Credit: iStock

Here Are 5 Tips to Making Healthy Honey Chilli Potato at Home


1. Opt for Air Frying

To make your homemade honey chilli potato healthy, start by ditching deep frying and embracing the air fryer. By baking potato sticks instead of frying, you can significantly reduce the oil content in the dish and still achieve the desired crispiness. All you have to do is coat the potato sticks with oil, cornflour, salt, and pepper, and toss them in an air fryer basket. Cook for 18-20 minutes, depending on the intensity of your air fryer.

2. Choose Quality Ingredients

To create a perfect balance of flavours in your honey chilli potato, make sure to use quality ingredients to make a difference. While making this dish at home, use fresh and high-quality ingredients. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your vegetables! Add a pop of colour with bell peppers or a bit of bite with onions. Feel free to experiment with other vegetables like carrots, or even zucchini for an extra nutritional boost in your tasty snack.

3. Control the Spices

While the fiery kick of chilli peppers is the signature flavour of honey chilli potato, try to keep it moderate. There are two reasons for this – first, not everyone has the same tolerance for spice, and if you are making honey chilli potato for a party, it might not be well-suited for everyone. Second, too spicy food can have harmful effects on your body like stomach pain, vomiting, heartburn, acid reflux, etc. So, for a dish everyone can enjoy, keep the spice level moderate.

Add a variety of vegetables in Honey Chilli Potato to make it healthier.

Add a variety of vegetables to Honey Chilli Potato to make it healthier.
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Go Easy on the Sauce

Typical honey chilli potato calls for generous amounts of sweet and savoury sauces which are loaded with sugar, sodium, and other unhealthy alternatives. To keep your honey chilli potato light and wholesome, consider making your sauce concoction. Try natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup along with low-sodium soy sauce and a dash of vinegar for acidity. Experiment with different flavour combinations to find the perfect balance that satisfies your taste buds.

5. Don’t Forget to Garnish

Presentation is key to any dish, and just because you have made your honey chilli potato healthier does not mean you won’t garnish it. Make it visually appealing! Use a combination of chopped spring onions, coriander leaves, and sesame seeds to top your healthy honey chilli potato. For an extra boost of nutrition, add toasted nuts and seeds to make the dish crunchier.


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