The ‘Yudh Nashiyan Virudh’ campaign launched by the Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann led Punjab government to completely eradicate drug smugglers from the state...
Is Milk and Paneer Truly Vegetarian? Social Media Debate Sparks Controversy
Following a post by Dr. Sylvia Karpagam, who asserted that milk and paneer are...
Bihar BPSC Block Horticulture Officer Recruitment 2024: The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) invites applications for the Block Horticulture Officer 318 positions in the...
HSSC has released the re-advertisement notification for the recruitment of Constables in Haryana Police on 27 June 2024. Haryana Police 6000 constables including 5000...
For Rajasthan State Archives Recruitment 2024, the salary for Archivist, Research Officer will be as per Level L-12, and for Assistant Archivist, Research Assistant,...
IB ACIO Recruitment 2023: The Intelligence Bureau (IB) has announced 995 vacancies for ACIO Grade II Executive posts through an employment newspaper on 21st...